Carbon Electrodes

Manufactured to meet customers’ requirements

To ensure the best results, electrodes must have the following characteristics:

  • Good electrical conductivity, to withstand the high current density required by the metallurgical process
  • Good thermal conductivity, to minimize the temperature differences inside the electrodes when in use and, consequently, to reduce internal stresses
  • Good mechanical strength, to withstand the stresses when in use
  • High level of chemical purity, to avoid polluting the end product
  • A reliable joint, to ensure current flow continuity in the electrode column;
  • Easy mounting, to facilitate and speed up operations for the lengthening of the electrode column
  • Accurate machining on the external surface and on the joints, to avoid problems when the joint passes through the holding clamps and the contact shoes and to facilitate the current flow from one electrode to the following one


We gladly advise you in customizing the product requirements to your production process.


Carbon Electrodes are used to produce Silicon Metal, Ferroalloys as well as Copper, Lead and Ferro Phosphorus.

Silicon metal producers are major consumers of carbon electrodes. Silicon metal is used in the following industries:

  • Aluminium:
    Used to increase strength and as alloy agent, main use in wheels for automobile industry, as well as filler wires for fusion welding and brazing of aluminium
  • Silicones & Silanes:
    Used in production of green tires, elastomers, adhesives, paint, health care & cosmetic products, sealing, construction and transport
  • Polysilicon:
    Used in renewable energy such as photovoltaics installation (solar cells / solar pannels); Microchips (electronics). Semiconductors

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