The Management Team

Tokai COBEX is led by an international Global Executive Committee consisting of six members.

Andrzej Hotloś

Chief Executive Officer

“Realizing profitable growth opportunities while focusing Tokai COBEX efforts to become an even more ethical responsible and environmentally friendly company is a pleasant daily challenge for me.”


Since beginning of 2022, Andrzej is the CEO of Tokai COBEX a fully owned company by Tokai Carbon, Japan. He started his career in our Polish plant in Nowy Sącz more than 30 years ago and held a variety of positions mainly in finance.

His ability for strategic thinking in combination with passion for people, is a strong foundation for his success.

Andrzej holds a Master of Economics from the Academy of Economics in Kraków, Poland.

Dennis Boettjer

Chief Financial Officer

“With profitable growth in existing and new business areas on a solid financial basis, we want to continue to be a reliable business partner for our customers, suppliers and employees, as in previous years, and make a sustainable contribution to the realisation of Tokai Carbon Group’s corporate strategy.”


Dennis holds a university degree in economics from the Hohenheim University, near Stuttgart, Germany and worked in various roles in our predecessor company for more than 10 years before taking over the responsibility for Finance and IT in 2017 at Tokai COBEX.

Since 2022, he is one of the managing directors of Tokai COBEX GmbH.

Till Reek

Chief Technology Officer

„Together with our customer we are developing and implementing solutions which significantly boost their processes.”


Till has gained 20 years of experience in our customer’s industry before joining Tokai COBEX.

He holds a degree in Metallurgy and Material Science from RWTH Aachen, Germany, as well as a PhD in Chemical Engineering from the University of New South Wales – UNSW Sydney, Australia.

Joseph Bertin

BAM & Integration Officer

“Electro-mobility is the future of our industry, as graphite is one of the key components of the lithium-ion batteries. We are proud to develop a European based supply for Battery Anode Materials and drive the change towards huge CO2 savings thanks to our leading-edge technologies.”


Joseph is with the company since 2017 and leads the development of our BAM business.

He has 25 years of experience in various positions within the heavy industries (e.g. steel manufacturing, metallurgical for aeronautics and more).

Joseph holds an engineer degree in materials science from the Ecole Centrale des Arts et Manufactures in Paris, France.

Alexander Loscher

Chief Operating Officer

“Our strong manufacturing presence in Europe paired with the long history and experience of carbon and graphite production enables a top 3 position in most our markets that we will expand further by future diversification.”


Alexander works in different operational roles in the global carbon and graphite industry for more than 10 years.

He holds a mechanical engineering and business administration degree from the Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany.

Piotr Jaskierski

Chief Commercial Officer

“We are grateful and proud to contribute to a better world by helping our customers reduce the environmental impact of their business processes.”


Piotr started his career almost 25 years ago with SGL Carbon holding various positions all over the world, mainly in the Sales and Marketing Arena.

Since 2021 he joined Tokai COBEX were, he leads with his experience and passion the Marketing and Sales Team, ensuring that Tokai COBEX remains for our customers the partner of choice.

He holds a degree in Business Management of the University of Kraków and an MBA of Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu – National-Louis University, Poland.