
Become a part of Tokai COBEX.

Welcome to the Tokai COBEX Career site. Here you can discover all there is to know about working as part of the Tokai COBEX team.

See our current job offers, learn more about us and gain an insight into our company by checking our current employees’ opinions on working with Tokai COBEX.

Philippe Manceaux
Purchasing Manager

I joined the company in 2015, after various experiences in the aluminum and automotive industries as a buyer of raw materials for transport and packaging. Today, I have grown in the field of purchasing to become the manager for France.  

My work is making the link between the company’s needs and the different supplier markets, which offers me many opportunities for meeting various people. 

The subjects are very varied and allow me to constantly develop my knowledge of our business. This contributes to my total development within the company. 

Anna Mikoda
Global Sales Director, Cathodes

I graduated with a Master’s in Economics, specializing in foreign trade.  

Since I joined Tokai COBEX in 2012, I have found a high level of professionalism, people who care about each other and create an outstanding working environment as well as multiple opportunities for both professional and personal development. Career progression is encouraged which I have gladly embraced.  

My job brings new challenges every day which makes me learn new things and allows to think out of the box continually. It provides a lot of satisfaction. I am glad to be working with such talented, dedicated and highly experienced Team of Tokai COBEX. 

Albert Marcel Blanc
Machining Coordinator

I joined the company in 1989 as a machining operator and over the years I have developed my skills on various machines.

I then took part in setting up a new production line and I have been a Coordinator for 8 years in the Machining Department where I manage a production team.

The company has allowed me to develop my skills by training me professionally throughout my career. Today, I am fulfilled in my work and the responsibilities that the company offers me.

Corine Siena

I was hired in 1999 with diploma in chemistry, I was able to work on various projects, currently working on the BAM project, where I am responsible mainly for powder grinding, especially with the deployment of new analysis machines.

I am fully satisfied with my job, because we deal with a lot of subjects, today with the BAM project, this knowledge is further developed and allows me to grow professionally.

Lesław Zembura
Process Technology Operator
Green Production

I have worked for Tokai COBEX since 1980 and over the years, I have worked in all positions in Green Production. I share my knowledge and experience with my younger colleagues and enjoy working on projects connected with enhancing safety and effectiveness in the workplace. 

My team works 24/7. I appreciate new challenges and at the same time the financial stability the company gives me. 

Marcin Kaczwiński
Mechanical Investments Specialist

I am both a Mechanical and a Civil Engineer, so working in Engineering with Tokai COBEX is a perfect opportunity to verify and improve my skills. My main duty is to implement mechanical structural solutions at the whole production site. My long-term experience gained at construction sites of many industrial facilities in Poland allows me to meet these difficult challenges.

The work of the Supervision Inspector is highly satisfactory, all the more so as I have been associated with the plant since I was a young man.

Yee Chong Wee
Sales Director, Furnace Linings
Managing Director, China Office

I am a Malaysian citizen located in our Beijing office. I have an engineering background but have been in sales and management for more than 20 years now. I am responsible for sales globally for Furnace Linings, where our main markets are China, Russia, India and Europe, as well as engineering companies all over the world.

I like the fact that Tokai COBEX is a mid-sized company that is managed professionally, adopts many best practices of multinationals and provides financial stability. I enjoy the open communication from top management as well as the fact that employees are often given the chance to work on projects outside their normal work routines – I have also been provided with such opportunities and believe that these projects are a great way to learn new skills and further develop my abilities and expertise.

Bojana Latała
Accounting Specialist

I graduated from the University of Economics in Katowice and have worked for Tokai COBEX in Poland as an Accounting Specialist since 2018. This has been my second job since completing my degree. After almost two years of working in Poland, Tokai COBEX gave me opportunity to relocate which was a great chance for me to change my life. Since April 2020 I am working in Wiesbaden, Germany.

Working for Tokai COBEX gives me great job satisfaction and many development opportunities. I appreciate the kindness and support of the company’s employees and my team. I am very happy to be a part of Tokai COBEX family because I really like the atmosphere here and I feel like home.

Oscar Alberto Vera Garcia
Modelling Engineer
Technical Service

I am a Mechanical Engineer with a Master’s in Mechanical Engineering and Energy Conversion. At Tokai COBEX I am responsible for the modeling and simulation of electrolysis cells and blast furnaces where our products are used. 

What I especially like about Tokai COBEX is having the balance between office work and learning in the field. There are always many bright people from whom you can learn something new. 

Christophe Martin
Coordinator of Graphite Extrusion

I joined the company in 1994 in the graphite extrusion department. I started as a production worker and am currently the coordinator.

This consists of managing the smooth running of the “supervision dispatching” workshop and the team in place. The new project “Press Automation” brings me new knowledge.

Satisfied to be within the company which allows me to evolve and to conciliate, work, family and sporting activities.

Franciszek Suchecki
Process Technology Operator, Foreman
Green Products and Pastes

I have technical secondary education and have worked for Tokai COBEX since 1992. My main duty is to introduce new employees to the process of vibrational molding of products. I am an initiator of many pro-development projects and seek to improve safety and ergonomics at work. I have been part of the project to implement a new installation for the forming of the vibro blocks as well as to modernize the B molding machine.

I value every new challenge and am constantly improving my professional qualifications.

Kelly Mauro
Production Worker

I joined the company in 2019 on a work-study course thanks to the company’s training school. I was hired in 2020 in the Machining department where I can manage the production line by working on all types of machines.

I am also responsible for quality control before packaging and sending our product to the customer.

Different shifts help me to connect my work at production with my professional activity in music.

Tomasz Białdyga
Process Technology Operator
Thermal Treatment

My history with the production plant in Racibórz dates back to 1992 when I started as a student at the vocational school located there at that time. During the first years of my career, I worked as an Installation Electrician in the Department of Energy and then in the Department of Thermal Treatment, where I have worked as a foreman since then. One of my most important work duties is to ensure my own safety and the safety of my subordinate employees.

The company provides me with trainings to get to know new tools allowing me to work more efficiently.

Piotr Repeta
Nowy Sącz Site Director

I have worked for the company since 2006. I started in Maintenance as a newly graduated engineer. This is where my professional adventure with technology began.  

My work involves solving advanced technical problems in the broad field of engineering. Working at Tokai COBEX has given me the opportunity for personal development in technical, project management (Six Sigma) as well as department manager level (Maintenance, Engineering). It was here that I was given the opportunity to go on a 3.5-year contract in Malaysia, which significantly developed my core competencies and technical knowledge. From August 2021 I started a new chapter in my professional life as Site Director in Nowy Sącz.  

Working for Tokai COBEX is a pleasure of interacting with smart people, culture and a real family atmosphere. 

Izabela Strąg
Head of Environmental, Health & Safety

I have worked for the company since 2010. Initially I was responsible for the Nowy Sącz plant, and since 2017 also for the Racibórz plant. Since the beginning of 2021, I have also taken over supervision of the work of the team responsible for environment, health and safety issues at the plants in France.

My team are people with great knowledge, experience and great commitment to their work. They are also people who care about each other, with great empathy and sense of humor. I know that I can count on them in every situation.

The idea behind our work is that both the safety of the people working in the organization and the safety of the nature around us are equally important. One cannot exist without the other. Combining the function of Environment, Health & Safety manager makes it complete and even more rewarding.

Renaud Pivier
Graphite Extrusion Foreman

I joined Tokai COBEX in 1994.

During the first 16 years of my career, I was able to work as a furnace operator, then as a Laboratory Operator and finally as a Quality Technician specialised on a furnace.  I had a new opportunity to take advantage of the internal mobility offered by the company by taking up a Green Belt position at the Vénissieux site for 2 years.  In 2010, I moved to the role of Carbon Extrusion Foreman and then Raw Materials Foreman. Since 2016, I have held the position of Graphite Extrusion Foreman.

The company has enabled me to develop my skills in very good conditions and today, share my knowledge. For me, teamwork is the only guarantee of success.

Mariusz Minkina
Technology Specialist

I am a graduate of the Faculty of Energy and Fuels at the AGH University of Science and Technology in Cracow and of doctoral studies at the Faculty of Chemistry of the Silesian University of Technology in Gliwice. I have worked for Tokai COBEX since 2006. Currently in the Application Development I deal with projects connected with Ready-to-use Cathodes and Wear-resistant Cathode.

These projects are aimed at developing aluminium products that meet the latest customer expectations in terms of product life, performance and energy savings.

Florent Figura
R&D Engineer

I joined the company in 2012 as a trainee (master), then I was hired to work on a thesis (Rheology of new carbon products) and I joined the company on a permanent contract in 2016 as an R&D engineer.  

I was able to work on various projects such as the development of PAH-free products, non-destructive testing and today on the development of the BAM project.  My team consists of 4 people.  

Within the R&D center, I have also been able to evolve personally with responsibilities such as investment and laboratory metrology, among others. 

In the end, every day has its share of surprises making my work exciting, rich and intense, with many twists and turns.

Lorène Fort
Sales Manager

I obtained a BSc in Chemistry from the Heriott-Watt University Edinburgh and a Master’s Degree in International Business.  

I joined our company in 2008, prior this I was working for the Aluminium Industry.
I assume the position of Sales Manager, I am dedicated to the satisfaction of some of our key account customers in our Cathode Sales Department. I am also working with our marketing department for communication & branding activities.  

I like being part of a dynamic Sales & Marketing team that sets business goals and objectives according to company’s needs. 

Jean Luc Pozzalo
Safety Technician & Internal Trainer

I started my career in the maintenance department on January 1st, 1990 under a professionalization contract. It continued in the machining workshops as a high-level operator for 20 years and then evolved towards the safety of these sectors with a brief stint as Lean Advisor until 2016. Then I became an Internal Trainer and gained more necessary qualifications. 

In 2019 I became a Safety Technician, a position that I still hold today in addition to my position as a trainer. 

Maria Legutko
Quality Assurance Specialist

My story with the company began eight years ago, starting as an employee of a quality control laboratory where I supervised research. Currently, I am responsible for the inspection of finished products and quality certificates for our customers. I am also involved in Six Sigma projects, as well as those conducted in Quality Management areas.

Working in this company means continuous development, and I think that there are still many areas where I could use my potential.

Sławomir Maciak
Machine Tools Operator

I have worked as a Machine Tools Operator with Tokai COBEX for ten years. I am now responsible for carbon electrode machining. I find it very satisfying that I take part in the production of such unique products which are exported to all over the world.

We have a very good atmosphere in our working team and I can count on my colleagues.

Rafał Pacharzyna
Deputy Manager
Laboratory and Quality Assurance

I have worked in Racibórz plant for over ten years. Initially I was in charge of quality acceptance of linings for blast furnaces. It also involved supervising the assembly at customers’ premises, which allowed me to better understand their needs and meet interesting people. Later, working in the technology department, me and a team of colleagues developed an innovative measurement method for aluminium electrolysis, which the company later decided to protect as a patent.

Then, as a Six Sigma Black Belt, I’ve been managing projects aimed at solving production and technological problems and improving the efficiency of our processes. Currently I’m working at the position of Deputy Manager  Laboratory and Quality Assurance TCX-PL.

Philippe Manceaux
Purchasing Manager

I joined the company in 2015, after various experiences in the aluminum and automotive industries as a buyer of raw materials for transport and packaging. Today, I have grown in the field of purchasing to become the manager for France.  

My work is making the link between the company’s needs and the different supplier markets, which offers me many opportunities for meeting various people. 

The subjects are very varied and allow me to constantly develop my knowledge of our business. This contributes to my total development within the company. 

Anna Mikoda
Global Sales Director, Cathodes

I graduated with a Master’s in Economics, specializing in foreign trade.  

Since I joined Tokai COBEX in 2012, I have found a high level of professionalism, people who care about each other and create an outstanding working environment as well as multiple opportunities for both professional and personal development. Career progression is encouraged which I have gladly embraced.  

My job brings new challenges every day which makes me learn new things and allows to think out of the box continually. It provides a lot of satisfaction. I am glad to be working with such talented, dedicated and highly experienced Team of Tokai COBEX. 

Albert Marcel Blanc
Machining Coordinator

I joined the company in 1989 as a machining operator and over the years I have developed my skills on various machines.

I then took part in setting up a new production line and I have been a Coordinator for 8 years in the Machining Department where I manage a production team.

The company has allowed me to develop my skills by training me professionally throughout my career. Today, I am fulfilled in my work and the responsibilities that the company offers me.

Corine Siena

I was hired in 1999 with diploma in chemistry, I was able to work on various projects, currently working on the BAM project, where I am responsible mainly for powder grinding, especially with the deployment of new analysis machines.

I am fully satisfied with my job, because we deal with a lot of subjects, today with the BAM project, this knowledge is further developed and allows me to grow professionally.

Lesław Zembura
Process Technology Operator
Green Production

I have worked for Tokai COBEX since 1980 and over the years, I have worked in all positions in Green Production. I share my knowledge and experience with my younger colleagues and enjoy working on projects connected with enhancing safety and effectiveness in the workplace. 

My team works 24/7. I appreciate new challenges and at the same time the financial stability the company gives me. 

Marcin Kaczwiński
Mechanical Investments Specialist

I am both a Mechanical and a Civil Engineer, so working in Engineering with Tokai COBEX is a perfect opportunity to verify and improve my skills. My main duty is to implement mechanical structural solutions at the whole production site. My long-term experience gained at construction sites of many industrial facilities in Poland allows me to meet these difficult challenges.

The work of the Supervision Inspector is highly satisfactory, all the more so as I have been associated with the plant since I was a young man.

Yee Chong Wee
Sales Director, Furnace Linings
Managing Director, China Office

I am a Malaysian citizen located in our Beijing office. I have an engineering background but have been in sales and management for more than 20 years now. I am responsible for sales globally for Furnace Linings, where our main markets are China, Russia, India and Europe, as well as engineering companies all over the world.

I like the fact that Tokai COBEX is a mid-sized company that is managed professionally, adopts many best practices of multinationals and provides financial stability. I enjoy the open communication from top management as well as the fact that employees are often given the chance to work on projects outside their normal work routines – I have also been provided with such opportunities and believe that these projects are a great way to learn new skills and further develop my abilities and expertise.

Bojana Latała
Accounting Specialist

I graduated from the University of Economics in Katowice and have worked for Tokai COBEX in Poland as an Accounting Specialist since 2018. This has been my second job since completing my degree. After almost two years of working in Poland, Tokai COBEX gave me opportunity to relocate which was a great chance for me to change my life. Since April 2020 I am working in Wiesbaden, Germany.

Working for Tokai COBEX gives me great job satisfaction and many development opportunities. I appreciate the kindness and support of the company’s employees and my team. I am very happy to be a part of Tokai COBEX family because I really like the atmosphere here and I feel like home.

Oscar Alberto Vera Garcia
Modelling Engineer
Technical Service

I am a Mechanical Engineer with a Master’s in Mechanical Engineering and Energy Conversion. At Tokai COBEX I am responsible for the modeling and simulation of electrolysis cells and blast furnaces where our products are used. 

What I especially like about Tokai COBEX is having the balance between office work and learning in the field. There are always many bright people from whom you can learn something new. 

Christophe Martin
Coordinator of Graphite Extrusion

I joined the company in 1994 in the graphite extrusion department. I started as a production worker and am currently the coordinator.

This consists of managing the smooth running of the “supervision dispatching” workshop and the team in place. The new project “Press Automation” brings me new knowledge.

Satisfied to be within the company which allows me to evolve and to conciliate, work, family and sporting activities.

Franciszek Suchecki
Process Technology Operator, Foreman
Green Products and Pastes

I have technical secondary education and have worked for Tokai COBEX since 1992. My main duty is to introduce new employees to the process of vibrational molding of products. I am an initiator of many pro-development projects and seek to improve safety and ergonomics at work. I have been part of the project to implement a new installation for the forming of the vibro blocks as well as to modernize the B molding machine.

I value every new challenge and am constantly improving my professional qualifications.

Kelly Mauro
Production Worker

I joined the company in 2019 on a work-study course thanks to the company’s training school. I was hired in 2020 in the Machining department where I can manage the production line by working on all types of machines.

I am also responsible for quality control before packaging and sending our product to the customer.

Different shifts help me to connect my work at production with my professional activity in music.

Tomasz Białdyga
Process Technology Operator
Thermal Treatment

My history with the production plant in Racibórz dates back to 1992 when I started as a student at the vocational school located there at that time. During the first years of my career, I worked as an Installation Electrician in the Department of Energy and then in the Department of Thermal Treatment, where I have worked as a foreman since then. One of my most important work duties is to ensure my own safety and the safety of my subordinate employees.

The company provides me with trainings to get to know new tools allowing me to work more efficiently.

Piotr Repeta
Nowy Sącz Site Director

I have worked for the company since 2006. I started in Maintenance as a newly graduated engineer. This is where my professional adventure with technology began.  

My work involves solving advanced technical problems in the broad field of engineering. Working at Tokai COBEX has given me the opportunity for personal development in technical, project management (Six Sigma) as well as department manager level (Maintenance, Engineering). It was here that I was given the opportunity to go on a 3.5-year contract in Malaysia, which significantly developed my core competencies and technical knowledge. From August 2021 I started a new chapter in my professional life as Site Director in Nowy Sącz.  

Working for Tokai COBEX is a pleasure of interacting with smart people, culture and a real family atmosphere. 

Izabela Strąg
Head of Environmental, Health & Safety

I have worked for the company since 2010. Initially I was responsible for the Nowy Sącz plant, and since 2017 also for the Racibórz plant. Since the beginning of 2021, I have also taken over supervision of the work of the team responsible for environment, health and safety issues at the plants in France.

My team are people with great knowledge, experience and great commitment to their work. They are also people who care about each other, with great empathy and sense of humor. I know that I can count on them in every situation.

The idea behind our work is that both the safety of the people working in the organization and the safety of the nature around us are equally important. One cannot exist without the other. Combining the function of Environment, Health & Safety manager makes it complete and even more rewarding.

Renaud Pivier
Graphite Extrusion Foreman

I joined Tokai COBEX in 1994.

During the first 16 years of my career, I was able to work as a furnace operator, then as a Laboratory Operator and finally as a Quality Technician specialised on a furnace.  I had a new opportunity to take advantage of the internal mobility offered by the company by taking up a Green Belt position at the Vénissieux site for 2 years.  In 2010, I moved to the role of Carbon Extrusion Foreman and then Raw Materials Foreman. Since 2016, I have held the position of Graphite Extrusion Foreman.

The company has enabled me to develop my skills in very good conditions and today, share my knowledge. For me, teamwork is the only guarantee of success.

Mariusz Minkina
Technology Specialist

I am a graduate of the Faculty of Energy and Fuels at the AGH University of Science and Technology in Cracow and of doctoral studies at the Faculty of Chemistry of the Silesian University of Technology in Gliwice. I have worked for Tokai COBEX since 2006. Currently in the Application Development I deal with projects connected with Ready-to-use Cathodes and Wear-resistant Cathode.

These projects are aimed at developing aluminium products that meet the latest customer expectations in terms of product life, performance and energy savings.

Florent Figura
R&D Engineer

I joined the company in 2012 as a trainee (master), then I was hired to work on a thesis (Rheology of new carbon products) and I joined the company on a permanent contract in 2016 as an R&D engineer.  

I was able to work on various projects such as the development of PAH-free products, non-destructive testing and today on the development of the BAM project.  My team consists of 4 people.  

Within the R&D center, I have also been able to evolve personally with responsibilities such as investment and laboratory metrology, among others. 

In the end, every day has its share of surprises making my work exciting, rich and intense, with many twists and turns.

Lorène Fort
Sales Manager

I obtained a BSc in Chemistry from the Heriott-Watt University Edinburgh and a Master’s Degree in International Business.  

I joined our company in 2008, prior this I was working for the Aluminium Industry.
I assume the position of Sales Manager, I am dedicated to the satisfaction of some of our key account customers in our Cathode Sales Department. I am also working with our marketing department for communication & branding activities.  

I like being part of a dynamic Sales & Marketing team that sets business goals and objectives according to company’s needs. 

Jean Luc Pozzalo
Safety Technician & Internal Trainer

I started my career in the maintenance department on January 1st, 1990 under a professionalization contract. It continued in the machining workshops as a high-level operator for 20 years and then evolved towards the safety of these sectors with a brief stint as Lean Advisor until 2016. Then I became an Internal Trainer and gained more necessary qualifications. 

In 2019 I became a Safety Technician, a position that I still hold today in addition to my position as a trainer. 

Maria Legutko
Quality Assurance Specialist

My story with the company began eight years ago, starting as an employee of a quality control laboratory where I supervised research. Currently, I am responsible for the inspection of finished products and quality certificates for our customers. I am also involved in Six Sigma projects, as well as those conducted in Quality Management areas.

Working in this company means continuous development, and I think that there are still many areas where I could use my potential.

Sławomir Maciak
Machine Tools Operator

I have worked as a Machine Tools Operator with Tokai COBEX for ten years. I am now responsible for carbon electrode machining. I find it very satisfying that I take part in the production of such unique products which are exported to all over the world.

We have a very good atmosphere in our working team and I can count on my colleagues.

Rafał Pacharzyna
Deputy Manager
Laboratory and Quality Assurance

I have worked in Racibórz plant for over ten years. Initially I was in charge of quality acceptance of linings for blast furnaces. It also involved supervising the assembly at customers’ premises, which allowed me to better understand their needs and meet interesting people. Later, working in the technology department, me and a team of colleagues developed an innovative measurement method for aluminium electrolysis, which the company later decided to protect as a patent.

Then, as a Six Sigma Black Belt, I’ve been managing projects aimed at solving production and technological problems and improving the efficiency of our processes. Currently I’m working at the position of Deputy Manager  Laboratory and Quality Assurance TCX-PL.

Philippe Manceaux
Purchasing Manager

I joined the company in 2015, after various experiences in the aluminum and automotive industries as a buyer of raw materials for transport and packaging. Today, I have grown in the field of purchasing to become the manager for France.  

My work is making the link between the company’s needs and the different supplier markets, which offers me many opportunities for meeting various people. 

The subjects are very varied and allow me to constantly develop my knowledge of our business. This contributes to my total development within the company. 

Anna Mikoda
Global Sales Director, Cathodes

I graduated with a Master’s in Economics, specializing in foreign trade.  

Since I joined Tokai COBEX in 2012, I have found a high level of professionalism, people who care about each other and create an outstanding working environment as well as multiple opportunities for both professional and personal development. Career progression is encouraged which I have gladly embraced.  

My job brings new challenges every day which makes me learn new things and allows to think out of the box continually. It provides a lot of satisfaction. I am glad to be working with such talented, dedicated and highly experienced Team of Tokai COBEX. 

Albert Marcel Blanc
Machining Coordinator

I joined the company in 1989 as a machining operator and over the years I have developed my skills on various machines.

I then took part in setting up a new production line and I have been a Coordinator for 8 years in the Machining Department where I manage a production team.

The company has allowed me to develop my skills by training me professionally throughout my career. Today, I am fulfilled in my work and the responsibilities that the company offers me.

Corine Siena

I was hired in 1999 with diploma in chemistry, I was able to work on various projects, currently working on the BAM project, where I am responsible mainly for powder grinding, especially with the deployment of new analysis machines.

I am fully satisfied with my job, because we deal with a lot of subjects, today with the BAM project, this knowledge is further developed and allows me to grow professionally.

Lesław Zembura
Process Technology Operator
Green Production

I have worked for Tokai COBEX since 1980 and over the years, I have worked in all positions in Green Production. I share my knowledge and experience with my younger colleagues and enjoy working on projects connected with enhancing safety and effectiveness in the workplace. 

My team works 24/7. I appreciate new challenges and at the same time the financial stability the company gives me. 

Marcin Kaczwiński
Mechanical Investments Specialist

I am both a Mechanical and a Civil Engineer, so working in Engineering with Tokai COBEX is a perfect opportunity to verify and improve my skills. My main duty is to implement mechanical structural solutions at the whole production site. My long-term experience gained at construction sites of many industrial facilities in Poland allows me to meet these difficult challenges.

The work of the Supervision Inspector is highly satisfactory, all the more so as I have been associated with the plant since I was a young man.

Yee Chong Wee
Sales Director, Furnace Linings
Managing Director, China Office

I am a Malaysian citizen located in our Beijing office. I have an engineering background but have been in sales and management for more than 20 years now. I am responsible for sales globally for Furnace Linings, where our main markets are China, Russia, India and Europe, as well as engineering companies all over the world.

I like the fact that Tokai COBEX is a mid-sized company that is managed professionally, adopts many best practices of multinationals and provides financial stability. I enjoy the open communication from top management as well as the fact that employees are often given the chance to work on projects outside their normal work routines – I have also been provided with such opportunities and believe that these projects are a great way to learn new skills and further develop my abilities and expertise.

Bojana Latała
Accounting Specialist

I graduated from the University of Economics in Katowice and have worked for Tokai COBEX in Poland as an Accounting Specialist since 2018. This has been my second job since completing my degree. After almost two years of working in Poland, Tokai COBEX gave me opportunity to relocate which was a great chance for me to change my life. Since April 2020 I am working in Wiesbaden, Germany.

Working for Tokai COBEX gives me great job satisfaction and many development opportunities. I appreciate the kindness and support of the company’s employees and my team. I am very happy to be a part of Tokai COBEX family because I really like the atmosphere here and I feel like home.

Oscar Alberto Vera Garcia
Modelling Engineer
Technical Service

I am a Mechanical Engineer with a Master’s in Mechanical Engineering and Energy Conversion. At Tokai COBEX I am responsible for the modeling and simulation of electrolysis cells and blast furnaces where our products are used. 

What I especially like about Tokai COBEX is having the balance between office work and learning in the field. There are always many bright people from whom you can learn something new. 

Christophe Martin
Coordinator of Graphite Extrusion

I joined the company in 1994 in the graphite extrusion department. I started as a production worker and am currently the coordinator.

This consists of managing the smooth running of the “supervision dispatching” workshop and the team in place. The new project “Press Automation” brings me new knowledge.

Satisfied to be within the company which allows me to evolve and to conciliate, work, family and sporting activities.

Franciszek Suchecki
Process Technology Operator, Foreman
Green Products and Pastes

I have technical secondary education and have worked for Tokai COBEX since 1992. My main duty is to introduce new employees to the process of vibrational molding of products. I am an initiator of many pro-development projects and seek to improve safety and ergonomics at work. I have been part of the project to implement a new installation for the forming of the vibro blocks as well as to modernize the B molding machine.

I value every new challenge and am constantly improving my professional qualifications.

Kelly Mauro
Production Worker

I joined the company in 2019 on a work-study course thanks to the company’s training school. I was hired in 2020 in the Machining department where I can manage the production line by working on all types of machines.

I am also responsible for quality control before packaging and sending our product to the customer.

Different shifts help me to connect my work at production with my professional activity in music.

Tomasz Białdyga
Process Technology Operator
Thermal Treatment

My history with the production plant in Racibórz dates back to 1992 when I started as a student at the vocational school located there at that time. During the first years of my career, I worked as an Installation Electrician in the Department of Energy and then in the Department of Thermal Treatment, where I have worked as a foreman since then. One of my most important work duties is to ensure my own safety and the safety of my subordinate employees.

The company provides me with trainings to get to know new tools allowing me to work more efficiently.

Piotr Repeta
Nowy Sącz Site Director

I have worked for the company since 2006. I started in Maintenance as a newly graduated engineer. This is where my professional adventure with technology began.  

My work involves solving advanced technical problems in the broad field of engineering. Working at Tokai COBEX has given me the opportunity for personal development in technical, project management (Six Sigma) as well as department manager level (Maintenance, Engineering). It was here that I was given the opportunity to go on a 3.5-year contract in Malaysia, which significantly developed my core competencies and technical knowledge. From August 2021 I started a new chapter in my professional life as Site Director in Nowy Sącz.  

Working for Tokai COBEX is a pleasure of interacting with smart people, culture and a real family atmosphere. 

Izabela Strąg
Head of Environmental, Health & Safety

I have worked for the company since 2010. Initially I was responsible for the Nowy Sącz plant, and since 2017 also for the Racibórz plant. Since the beginning of 2021, I have also taken over supervision of the work of the team responsible for environment, health and safety issues at the plants in France.

My team are people with great knowledge, experience and great commitment to their work. They are also people who care about each other, with great empathy and sense of humor. I know that I can count on them in every situation.

The idea behind our work is that both the safety of the people working in the organization and the safety of the nature around us are equally important. One cannot exist without the other. Combining the function of Environment, Health & Safety manager makes it complete and even more rewarding.

Renaud Pivier
Graphite Extrusion Foreman

I joined Tokai COBEX in 1994.

During the first 16 years of my career, I was able to work as a furnace operator, then as a Laboratory Operator and finally as a Quality Technician specialised on a furnace.  I had a new opportunity to take advantage of the internal mobility offered by the company by taking up a Green Belt position at the Vénissieux site for 2 years.  In 2010, I moved to the role of Carbon Extrusion Foreman and then Raw Materials Foreman. Since 2016, I have held the position of Graphite Extrusion Foreman.

The company has enabled me to develop my skills in very good conditions and today, share my knowledge. For me, teamwork is the only guarantee of success.

Mariusz Minkina
Technology Specialist

I am a graduate of the Faculty of Energy and Fuels at the AGH University of Science and Technology in Cracow and of doctoral studies at the Faculty of Chemistry of the Silesian University of Technology in Gliwice. I have worked for Tokai COBEX since 2006. Currently in the Application Development I deal with projects connected with Ready-to-use Cathodes and Wear-resistant Cathode.

These projects are aimed at developing aluminium products that meet the latest customer expectations in terms of product life, performance and energy savings.

Florent Figura
R&D Engineer

I joined the company in 2012 as a trainee (master), then I was hired to work on a thesis (Rheology of new carbon products) and I joined the company on a permanent contract in 2016 as an R&D engineer.  

I was able to work on various projects such as the development of PAH-free products, non-destructive testing and today on the development of the BAM project.  My team consists of 4 people.  

Within the R&D center, I have also been able to evolve personally with responsibilities such as investment and laboratory metrology, among others. 

In the end, every day has its share of surprises making my work exciting, rich and intense, with many twists and turns.

Lorène Fort
Sales Manager

I obtained a BSc in Chemistry from the Heriott-Watt University Edinburgh and a Master’s Degree in International Business.  

I joined our company in 2008, prior this I was working for the Aluminium Industry.
I assume the position of Sales Manager, I am dedicated to the satisfaction of some of our key account customers in our Cathode Sales Department. I am also working with our marketing department for communication & branding activities.  

I like being part of a dynamic Sales & Marketing team that sets business goals and objectives according to company’s needs. 

Jean Luc Pozzalo
Safety Technician & Internal Trainer

I started my career in the maintenance department on January 1st, 1990 under a professionalization contract. It continued in the machining workshops as a high-level operator for 20 years and then evolved towards the safety of these sectors with a brief stint as Lean Advisor until 2016. Then I became an Internal Trainer and gained more necessary qualifications. 

In 2019 I became a Safety Technician, a position that I still hold today in addition to my position as a trainer. 

Maria Legutko
Quality Assurance Specialist

My story with the company began eight years ago, starting as an employee of a quality control laboratory where I supervised research. Currently, I am responsible for the inspection of finished products and quality certificates for our customers. I am also involved in Six Sigma projects, as well as those conducted in Quality Management areas.

Working in this company means continuous development, and I think that there are still many areas where I could use my potential.

Sławomir Maciak
Machine Tools Operator

I have worked as a Machine Tools Operator with Tokai COBEX for ten years. I am now responsible for carbon electrode machining. I find it very satisfying that I take part in the production of such unique products which are exported to all over the world.

We have a very good atmosphere in our working team and I can count on my colleagues.

Rafał Pacharzyna
Deputy Manager
Laboratory and Quality Assurance

I have worked in Racibórz plant for over ten years. Initially I was in charge of quality acceptance of linings for blast furnaces. It also involved supervising the assembly at customers’ premises, which allowed me to better understand their needs and meet interesting people. Later, working in the technology department, me and a team of colleagues developed an innovative measurement method for aluminium electrolysis, which the company later decided to protect as a patent.

Then, as a Six Sigma Black Belt, I’ve been managing projects aimed at solving production and technological problems and improving the efficiency of our processes. Currently I’m working at the position of Deputy Manager  Laboratory and Quality Assurance TCX-PL.

Tokai COBEX as employer

With our high-quality products and sustainable solutions, we are the preferred partner for our customers. We support them in getting the best benefit from our products by optimally integrating them into their processes.

Technology, performance and cost efficiency are the pillars of our work, and we owe our leading market position to them.  Reliability, quality and an innovative mindset are the basis for our long-term and trusting business relationships.

We are Experts in Carbon Solutions with dedicated and outstanding teams. Our excellent knowledge of carbon and graphite materials, our application know-how and our deep insight into customer industries over decades are the key factors of our success. We want to get better together with our partners and create win-win situations, establishing a solid and sustainable base for the future.

Work in a company that is open to each other and benefit from a friendly atmosphere, efficient communication, lean organization, fast decision-making processes and the opportunity to really influence the business.

The majority of our 1150+ employees work in our four production plants: Racibórz and Nowy Sącz in Poland as well as Notre-Dame-de-Briançon and Vénissieux in France. Many sales colleagues and the management team are based in the heart of Wiesbaden, Germany. 

We are a mid-size company with a global presence. Our diversified international team is located in Germany, Poland, France, UK and China and cooperates with customers and suppliers from all over the world.