RuC® –

Ready-to-use Cathode

The advanced next Cathode Generation by Tokai COBEX

RuC® Is the Future

Two concepts in one innovative solution

Ready-to-use Cathode (RuC®) with Copper-Carbon Design reducing energy consumption

Five benefits of RuC®:

  • Energy saving
  • Longer lifetime
  • Increased productivity
  • Environmental friendliness
  • Rodding avoidance

We are optimizing your smelter technology; you are increasing your margin.

Ready-to-use Concept

Simplify your business and lining process

We assemble your cathode blocks:

  • With premium materials
  • With best quality standards
  • With highest precision
  • With high consistency
  • Arriving and ready for installation
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Improve health and safety for your employees.

RuC® Copper-Carbon Design

Value creation

Our unique solution helps to improve

  • your pot stability,
  • your energy consumption,
  • your productivity & efficiency,
  • your waste management.

Your benefit amounts to

  • longer lifetime,
  • lower energy bill,
  • more metal,
  • recycling of copper.

RuC® Is Simply Green 

Less spent pot lining (SPL) materials with longer cell life due to RuC®
Worldwide – 300.000 t of SPL less every year

Less anode carbon consumption and less PFC emissions due to improved cell stability with RuC®
Worldwide – 5 million t of CO emissions less every year

Energy saving due to RuC® increases your operational benefit and can decrease CO emissions
Worldwide – 7 million t of CO emissions less every year

Go greener easily with RuC®.

Contact Us

Smelters gain benefits with RuC®:

  • Rodding avoidance: delivery of assembled blocks with metal parts, reduced health & safety risks
  • Energy saving (lower SEC) + better pot stability (lower noise level) + increased productivity (higher CE, improved current creep)
  • Extended pot lifetime: more consumable cathode material and reduced peak current density
  • Copper recovery with high return

These highlighted benefits result in a visible and significant economic advantage and lower CO2 emissions for a greener aluminium production. RuC® increases the operational margin in aluminium smelters.

We are designing and delivering RuC® for all smelting technologies worldwide. With our technical service starting from cell lining design through to installation and start-up, customers receive full support from Tokai COBEX.

Over the pot lifetime, we stay in close contact with our customers to ensure the full achievements of all RuC® benefits.

Upgrade your smelter with RuC® and increase your operational margin.

RuC® is the future.

Contacts – Technical Service RuC® Specialists